Sandbox Vs. Production Request URL's

When you sign up through the developer console and obtain an app key, you will immediately be granted Sandbox access. This means that you will be able to authenticate requests made to the domain.


Console Access

You can access the Sila console here.

Instructions on creating a new console account can be found here and instructions for requesting Production console access can be found here.

When you've tested your implementation in the sandbox and have been approved for Production access by Sila and our banking partner., you can request Production access for an app key through the Developer Console. Once Production access is granted, you will be able to make successful requests to the domain.


Sila HTTPS Domains - send API requests to these url's

Sandboxsandbox.silamoney.comRequests to this domain will not result in actual KYC verification or real-money transfers.
Productionapi.silamoney.comRequests to this domain must use real KYC verification data; transaction requests will result in real-money transfers.