address_aliasstringThis is a nickname that can be attached to the address object. While a required field, it can be left blank if desired.true
street_address_1stringThis is line 1 of a street address. Post office boxes are not accepted in this field.true
street_address_2stringThis is line 2 of a street address (optional). This may include suite or apartment numbers (though, if desired, you can put these in line 1).false
citystringName of the city where the person being verified is a current resident.true
statestringName of state where verified person is a current resident. (As of writing, this is a required field as the only accepted country is the US, but this may be expected to change in future versions.)true
countrystringTwo-letter country code. (As of writing, the only acceptable value is US.)true
postal_codestringIn the US, this can be the 5-digit ZIP code or ZIP+4 code.true

Referenced in Message Types:

  • entity_msg