Java SDK (ECDSA only)
SDK's and Authentication
Authentication Token and SDK's
Given that utilizing the Authentication Token is less complex than the ECDSA Authentication we have NOT provided SDK support for the Authentication Token and we do not intend to add support to SDKs for auth token.Migrating from ECDSA to Authentication Token
Customers with apps using ECDSA will eventually be required to migrate their existing apps in the near future. Deprecating the ECDSA (legacy) Authentication Scheme is on the roadmap, but does not yet have an ETA.Sila will send out communication via the news letter and update the docs when this migration needs to take place.
The Java SDK requires JDK 11 or later.
Initialization sets up the app private key and handle for the SDK to use for signing subsequent requests. _The other SDK functionality will not be available until this configuration is completed. _The SDK does not store this information outside of the instance that is configured. Private keys are never transmitted over the network or stored outside the scope of this instance.
// Installation
// Add the SDK from the Maven repository.
// Or find it here:;quick~silamoney
// Initialize the application
import com.silamoney.client.api.SilaApi;
SilaApi api = new SilaApi(
Wallet Generation
The installation step does not require ==wallet generation== the Wallet Generation code provided here are the wallet environment variables that you will need when you get to the register step. They will live with the other environment variable but you do not need them in the initial installation set up.
// Generate wallet
Wallet wallet = api.generateWallet();
System.out.println(wallet.getPrivateKey()); // Wallet private key
Updated 6 months ago