Advanced KYC System Failure Triggers
Sandbox and Advanced KYC Only
You can use these values to trigger a KYC/KYB failure status in the Sandbox environment only.
If you are using Classic KYC, please use the triggers detailed here.
Failure Trigger Values
Use the values provided below in /register to trigger different KYC failure statuses. Please note that triggers are not necessarily the same across KYC and KYB.
One trigger per /register call
Use only one of the below triggers per /register call. If you use multiple, only one trigger will be applied.
Attribute | Value | Failure Reason |
Zip code | 88888 | address not matched |
Zip code | 99999 | address warning |
SSN | 777777777 | ssn miskey |
SSN | 888888888 | ssn not matched |
SSN | 999999999 | ssn warning |
FEIN (KYB) | 000000000 | business company name not matched |
FEIN (KYB) | 111111111 | secretary of state warning |
FEIN (KYB) | 222222222 | watchlist warning |
FEIN (KYB) | 999999999 | fein not matched |
Last name | ofac | ofac sanctions match |
Last name | birthdate | birthdate not matched |
Last name | fraud | fraud warning |
Last name | EmailRisk | email risk |
Last name | PhoneRisk | phone risk |
Last name | pass | Assuming a unique SSN and email are provided, will ensure a passing verification |
Passing After Triggering a Failure
After using one of the above failure triggers, use /resume_verification to clear it and get a passed
verification status.
Updated 6 months ago