Customer Application Demo
For those seeking Production access you will need to be able to demonstrate successful integration of the basic Sila API flows, along with your other onboarding tasks.
Demonstrating a successful integration includes:
- agreement and disclosures
- including continued access beyond registration
- new user (entity) onboarding
- registration
- account linking
- transacting (as related to you approved funds flow)
Use the below documentation to help you build your demo
- Demo check list which outlines each step we are expecting to see when reviewing your Sandbox application.
- Agreement and Disclosures Requirements
- Endpoint Specific Requirements which outlines endpoint specific requirements and important information.
- Other helpful documentation:
Submitting your application for a demo review
Videos should be submitted via your slack channel.
- Who should lead the demo and/or record the demo videos?
Preferably the Lead Technical Developer.
- Do the videos need to be submitted with audio?
Yes, videos are required to be submitted with audio as someone needs to talk though what they are clicking on, what endpoint is being invoked and verbalize the requirements indicated.
- What happens after I submit my demo for review?
- Once received and added to the queue demo reviews can take up to 5 business days. Your demo is reviewed based on the markers provided in the check list and endpoint specific requirements.
- If you have not hit the markers as expected you will be asked to re-submit based on the feedback provided to you from your Sila Onboarding Specialist.
- If your demo meets all expected markers you will be notified that it was approved and you can move on to the next step in you onboarding journey.
- Do we get Production access after the demo review is approved?
Production access will be granted by your Onboarding Specialist once all onboarding business and technical requirements have been met.
- Our backend is not full connected yet. Can we submit a demo of the frontend with our UX workflow?
No, just showing the UX workflow is not sufficient. Having the backend connected is a requirement for the demo review.
- Can we utilize a website building tool like WordPress, SquareSpace, etc?
No, we do not permit the use of website building tools due to the limitations the tool may have in order to properly integrate with the Sila API.
Updated 5 months ago