Cancel Transaction Errors
Under Construction
These documents are a still a work in progress. The missing endpoint and fields will be completed as soon as possible and updates to the information will be made as needed.
Cancel Transaction
Errors pertaining to cancel_transaction
Error Code | Error Response Message | Description | Troubleshooting | Error Status Code |
insufficient_reserve_wallet_balance | ReserveWalletInsufficientBalanceError | Apps Reserve Wallet is below the configured minimum balance and must be at or above this amount in order for Instant Settlement transactions to be created. | Please fund your Reserve Wallet or contact Sila support for more information. | 200 |
transaction_amount_higher_than_minimum_crw_balance | TransactionAmountMoreThanMinimumBalance | The transaction amount issued is more than Minimum Reserve Wallet Balance. | Please add additional funds your Reserve Wallet or contact Sila support for more information. | 200 |
insufficient_wallet_balance | WalletBalanceError | Insufficient wallet balance. | 400 | |
FROZEN | HandleFrozenError | This entity not allowed to transact. Specific user handle is not permitted to transact (frozen). | 403 | |
no_matching_unfrozen_generic_payment_instrument | NoMatchingUnfrozenGenericPaymentInstrumentError | No matching and unfrozen payment method found for specific UUID. | 403 | |
closed_generic_payment_instrument | ClosedGenericPaymentInstrumentError | Payment method with the specific UUID provided is closed. | 403 | |
cannot_use_instant_settlement_feature_to_issue_sila_in_crw | ReserveWalletFoundForInstantSettlementTransactionError | Customer Reserve Wallet cannot be used to issue funds with Instant Settlement feature. | 405 | |
Key not present in response. | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""The specified transaction {transaction_uuid} is either already locked in a separate transaction or does not exist."", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | API request to /cancel_transaction with a UUID that doesn't match a transaction in the database. | 404 | |
Key not present in response. | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""The requested transaction {transaction_uuid} is in a ""{status_name}"" status, which does not allow for cancellation. Only statuses {pending, queued, pending_confirmation} may be canceled.'"", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | API request to /cancel_transaction using transaction UUID of a transaction that is not pending, queued, or pending confirmation. | The transaction is in a status that does not allow the transaction to be cancelled. | 403 |
Key not present in response. | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""The requested transaction {str(t_uuid)} was found but was of type ""{t_type}"", and should be reversed, not canceled.'"", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | API request to /cancel_transaction with a transaction type that is not issue or redeem. | The transaction that was trying to be cancelled cannot be cancelled due to it not being an issue or redeem transaction type. | 403 |
Key not present in response. | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""Transaction type does not support cancellation. Currently only ‘issue’ transactions may be canceled.'"", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | API request to /cancel_transaction with an app that is not on the ledger. | 403 | |
Key not present in response. | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""Transaction does not support cancellation."", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | API request to /cancel_transaction with redeem transaction, app that is on ledger, and processing type that is not standard_ach or same day ach | 403 | |
Key not present in response. | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""Transaction already submitted to ACH network, no cancellation possible from this point."", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | API request to /cancel_transaction with redeem transaction that has been submitted to ACH | 403 | |
Key not present in response. | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""The requested transaction ""{transaction_uuid}"" has already been submitted, and cannot be canceled."", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | API request to /cancel_transaction with non-redeem transaction that has been submitted to ACH | 403 |
Mock Failure States
To view information pertaining to testing transaction errors in Sandbox, please review the full documents in the Testing section of our docs.
Scenario | Description | Response Message | Troubleshooting | Error Status Code |
Sandbox mock frozen request | API request to /cancel_transaction in sandbox using the mock frozen uuid | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""Wallet associated with transaction may be frozen."", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | 403 | |
Sandbox mock cancellation uuid | API request to /cancel_transaction in sandbox using the mock cancellation uuid | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""Transaction type does not support cancellation. \n Currently only ""issue"" transactions may be canceled."", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | 403 | |
Sandbox mock late uuid | API request to /cancel_transaction using mock late uuid | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""Transaction already submitted to ACH network, no cancellation possible from this point."", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | 403 | |
Sandbox mock missing uuid | API request to /cancel_transaction using mock missing uuid | "{ ""success"": false, ""message"": ""Transaction not found or is currently being processed."", ""reference"": ""status"": ""FAILURE"", }" | 404 |
Updated 6 months ago