Webhook Alerts
Webhook Alerts
To make it easy to keep track of the status of your webhooks we are offering alerts that will automatically notify you if they have failed to deliver or are disabled. Alerts are sent on the first failed event, next to last failed event, and when the endpoint is disabled.
Email Alerts
Email alerts can be sent to any email address of your choice. To sign up, please log into the Customer Console and click into the Developer section. Open the Endpoints Dashboard and click on one of your Endpoints to open the "Endpoint Detail" page and enter the selected email address in the "Email for alerts" box.
Please note, only one email address can be entered. If you want the email to go to multiple people, we recommend setting up an internal “webhook support” email address that could be redirected to your entire team.
Be sure to repeat this process for any additional Endpoints that you may have, as each endpoint will need its own email address to be subscribed for alerts.
When you save the changes an email will be sent to the email address notifying the recipient of the alert subscription. The recipient can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email or by deleting the email address from the Alerts box on the "Endpoint Detail" page.
Updated 10 months ago