
Advanced KYC endpoint that returns the full list of verification records for a single user_handle.

Run this endpoint after /register and /kyc. Use /get_verifications/<verification_uuid> for further details on a single verification record.


Advanced KYC ONLY

Only use this endpoint if you are utilizing the new Advanced KYC. Otherwise, use /check_kyc.


Timing and Webhooks

Please make use of our webhooks so that you are notified when changes have been made. On average it takes about 33 seconds for an ID verification to complete, but can take less or more time.

If a verification status stays in review or documents_required for 30 days, the evaluation will expire and the status will transition to failed, and this will count against the max number of KYC attempts (2 total per entity).


Authorization / Authentication

Apps using Access Token Authorization

Use a valid access token in an Authorization: Bearer request header.

See Auth Token Overview for more details.

NOTE: Though we recommend using JWT, you can use this endpoint with ECDSA.

POST /0.2/get_verifications HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [GENERATED JWT TOKEN HERE]

  "header": {
    "created": 1234567890, //required
    "app_handle": "your_app_handle", //required
    "user_handle":"you_user_handle", //required
    "version": "0.2", 
    "reference": "<your unique id>"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "success": True,
  "reference": "<your unique id>",
  "sila_reference_id": "sila_assigned_id",
  "verifications": [{
     "verification_uuid": "<uuid>",
     "flow": "<uuid of KYC Flow>",
     "verification_status": "<name of verification status>",
     "requested_at": "<timestamp of /kyc call>"      

Request Attributes

headerJSON objectRequired.

Required keys:

created - Unix epoch timestamp in seconds. Must not be future-dated and must not be dated more than 5 minutes in the past.
app_handle - your app handle
user_handle - the user_handle to pull verification data for.

Optional keys:

reference: Can be any value for your own reference. If not provided, one will be assigned.
version: Cannot be null if key is present. Valid values: 0.2, v0.2, V0.2

Verification Statuses

Verification StatusDescription
'unverified'Entity has not had a KYC evaluation
'passed'Entity has passed KYC
'pending'An entity's KYC evaluation is in progress
'review'Under manual review by Sila
'failed'Entity has failed KYC
'member_failed'Business member failed KYC. KYB will need to be re-requested to begin a new verification attempt (2 attempts max)
'member_review'Happens when a business member is under manual review. Documents may or may not be required for verification
'member_pending'A business member's KYC evaluation is in progress
'documents_required'Review entity PII (/get_entity); upload document if reviewing PII doesn't pass entity
'documents_received'Documents were received but not reviewed
'webhook_pending'Waiting for a webhook response from a KYC provider

If your end user receives documents_required

You have 5 total opportunities to pass. The first is giving the end user a chance to update their PII, then you have four chances to upload documentation:

  1. The first try will always be to update end user PII. Use /update. Once updated, use /resume_verification to restart the verification process.
  2. If the end user still doesn't pass, the next try will be to upload a doc. Once uploaded, use /resume_verification to restart the verification process.
  3. You are given three more tries to upload that same doc - you cannot upload a different doc, so be sure the one that is uploaded is the correct one. Continue to use /resume_verification to restart the verification process.

Which action you will need to take next will be indicated in the action_needed field of the /get_verifications/verification_uuid call or the kyc_action webhook.

  • entity_data - End user PII should be reviewed
  • doc_upload - Use /documents to upload verification documentation
  • review - Indicates no customer action as the verification is under manual review by Sila

Reason Tags

Tags returned by Alloy explaining the verification result. Please be aware tags are specific to KYC or KYB, not both.

KYCSSN Warning
KYCSSN Velocity
KYCSSN Not Verified
KYCKYC Name Match
KYCKYC Address Match
KYCDOB Not Verified
KYCFraud Review
KYCDenied Fraud
KYCPhone Warning
KYCFraud Warning
KYCFraud Risk
KYCEmail Warning
KYCEmail Velocity
KYCAddress Warning
KYCAddress Not Verified
KYCVelocity Warning
KYCWatchlist Review
KYCName Not Verified
KYBAddress Not Matched
KYBAddress Matched
KYBFEIN Unmatched
KYBCompany Name Verified
KYBCompany Name Not Matched
KYBMiddesk Pending
KYBWatchlist Warning
KYBSecretary of State Warning
KYBSecretary of State Match


Status CodeSuccess AttributeDescription
403falseThe requested user_handle is not mapped to the app requested.