Get Account Balance Errors
Under Construction
These documents are a still a work in progress. The missing endpoint and fields will be completed as soon as possible and updates to the information will be made as needed.
Errors pertaining to get_account_balance
Error Code | Error Response Message | Error Type | Troubleshooting | Error Status Code |
Key Not Present In Response | Cannot fetch account balance for account {account_nickname}; account either was not linked with Plaid or has not completed verification. | Plaid Error | Please ensure the account was linked with Plaid and has completed the necessary verification. | 400 |
Key Not Present In Response | MX Balance error: {str(exc)} | MX Error | See MX's docs for information about their errors or contact MX. | 400 |
Key Not Present In Response | Unable to get account information for the requested account. It may be closed or otherwise inaccessible. | MX Error | Please be sure that the correct account was linked and that it is an open and active account. | 400 |
Key Not Present In Response | Key Not Present In Response | Plaid encounters an error trying to get account balance. | See Plaid's docs for information about their errors. | 400 |
Key Not Present In Response | {} expected dict not {} | Problem when trying to format Plaid balance response. | See Plaid's docs for information about their errors. | 400 |
Key Not Present In Response | Balance error: {str(exc)} | 400 | ||
Key Not Present In Response | Unable to get account information for the requested account. It may be closed or otherwise inaccessible. | Plaid Error | If account data not in response from provider. | 400 |
Key Not Present In Response | No bank account for user {user_handle} with name {account_nickname} found | No bank account is found. | Please ensure that the correct bank account was linked. | 404 |
BALANCE_REQUEST_EXCEEDED _TIME_THRESHOLD | A current balance was not returned by {provider} within the threshold of {threshold}. | MX Error: Balance request to MX times out. | See MX's docs for information about their errors or contact MX. | 408 |
UNSUPPORTED_BALANCE _HISTORY_CACHE | A cached balance in the database is not of a supported type and cannot be correctly processed. Investigate {balance_history_id} | An unknown provider_response_type was found in the balance cache | 500 | |
PROVIDER_TIMEOUT_ERROR | Plaid has failed to respond within {timeout} seconds. | Plaid Error: Mocked error is provider-timeout. | Please see or contact Plaid. | 504 |
PROVIDER_TIMEOUT_ERROR | MX service provider timeout while getting account balance | MX Error: MX times out while getting account balance. | See MX's docs for information about their errors or contact MX. | 504 |
PROVIDER_TIMEOUT_ERROR | Plaid has failed to respond within the expected timeframe. | Plaid Error: Plaid times out while getting account balance. | Please see or contact Plaid. | 504 |
Updated over 1 year ago