Issue Sila Errors


Under Construction

These documents are a still a work in progress. The missing endpoint and fields will be completed as soon as possible and updates to the information will be made as needed.

Issue Sila

Errors pertaining to /issue_sila for processing type: STANDARD_ACH AND SAME_DAY_ACH.

Error CodeDescriptionTroubleshootingError Status Code
BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDBank account not found.Please have the end user link a new bank account and submit a new transaction.403
CLOSED_BANK_ACCOUNT_ERRORBank account is closed.Please have the end user link a new bank account and submit a new transaction.403
BANK_ACCOUNT_FROZEN_BY_CUSTOMERBank account is frozen.Please have the end user link a new bank account.403
NO_MATCHING_BANK_ACCOUNTNo unfrozen bank accounts linked with matching nickname.403
UNVERIFIED_BANK_ACCOUNTNo verified account with nickname.The linked bank account is missing either the routing or account number.403
NOT_KYCDIssuance of Sila to this entity is prohibited because the issuing entity has not been verified.The end user initiating the transaction has not been KYC'd and cannot transact. Please KYC the end user and have them retry the transaction.403
Key not present in response.The specified business matching business uuid could not be found.Please ensure that the correct business UUID is provided.403
Key not present in response.The business specified with UUID does not have an approved ACH display name.You can resubmit this transaction without specifying a business or contact support to request an ACH display name for this business.403
Key not present in response.Failure with message "Bank account is not supported for WEB debits." due to the linked bank account having a web_debit_verified value of false where the app is configured to use the WEB SEC Code.403