End User Limits - Technical Details

If you need to review the default limits for your account with Sila, you can find more information on the [default limit] (https://docs.silamoney.com/docs/default-limits) page. If you want to learn about end user and endpoint specific service quotas, they will be displayed every time you make an API request to a limited endpoint.

Here, you can see an example of limits related response headers.

If a customer of your app exceeds a limit, Sila’s API responds with a 403 error code or a 429 error code that includes details in the header of the response.

Sila’s API returns two different kinds of error codes when a limit is exceeded:

  • AggregateLimits: Money based limits that return a 403 error code when the limit is exceeded.

  • RateLimits: Limits based on request frequency that return a 429 error code when the limit is exceeded.

  • Limits also return data about your usage when a successful 200 response header is returned.