Sila API 0.2.43

Sila API version 0.2.43 contains various bug fixes, system improvements, and some enhancements outlined below.


  • /get_transactions - added source_id and destination_id in the response for every transaction. These fields represent the id of the payment methods involved in the transaction.


  • /request_kyc - added a restriction where if an entity fails KYC twice, you are no longer able to re-request KYC for that entity.
  • /document_types - added new document types for Account Verification Letter and Bank Statement

SEC codes for ACH transactions

SEC stands for 'Standard Entry Class'. An SEC code is a three letter code that describes how an ACH payment was authorized by the consumer or business. These codes are defined and maintained by NACHA. To comply with NACHA rules, the appropriate SEC codes need to be supplied in the NACHA file for ACH processing.
Sila is enhancing our ACH processing engine to ensure the proper SEC codes are being used for your transactions. A determination of which SEC codes apply to your use case will be made. There is no action required on your part. This change should have no impact** on your use of Sila.

Here are the key things you will see as part of this enhancement:

  • /link_account, /update_account, /get_accounts responses will have a new attribute called web_debit_verified which denotes if the account satisfies the “account validation” aspect of the Web Debit Rule.
  • /get_transactions response for each transactions will have a new attribute called sec_code which denotes which SEC Code was used for that transaction.
  • /issue_sila requests may fail for a new reason. If (and only if) your app is configured to use the SEC Code of “WEB” and the linked bank account has a web_debit_verified = false, then this linked bank account does not satisfy the “account validation” aspect of the Web Debit Rule and cannot be used for ACH transactions.

**Note, this change may impact you if your use case requires the use of the "WEB" SEC code. If this is the case, you will be contacted and made aware prior to being impacted.